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Written with the innovative fashion student in mind, Sourcing and Selecting Textiles for Fashion gives a complete overview of the current textile market and shows how to apply this knowledge when creating a fashion collection.
Following a brief look at the historical growth of fashion textiles in industry and culture, the book explores the manufacturing, design, sourcing and end-use of fashion textiles. Natural and man-made fibres are discussed along with current woven, knit and nonwoven production methods. A variety of industrial and custom surface design techniques including dye, print, embellishment and fabric manipulation are covered. Trend, inspiration, colour, creating the collection and how to enhance design through textile choice and surface design are included. A perspective of current innovation and sustainability is offered in each area.
Colour photographs, illustrations and designer spotlights supplement informative text throughout the book. The text includes a bonus section of interviews with designers at different levels of their career and marketplace, focusing on how they select and source fabrics and apply them to their designs.
Sourcing and Selecting Textiles table of content
Chapter one: The role of textile in fashion: Textile culture; Evolution of textile design; Global textile production; A call for sustainability; Certifications and labelling.
Chapter two: Materials Fibres and yarns: Woven fabrics; Knits Other methods of production; Non-fabric textiles; Future fabrics; Colouring the fabric; Finishing methods; Surface Design; Decorative dye effects; Printing and pattern; Embroidery; Fabric manipulation; Three-dimensional embellishments; Designer spotlight – Astrid de Saint Anthost, Le Studio Anthost.
Chapter Four: Conceptualizing the Collection: Target market; Mood boards and inspiration; Trend; Silhouette; Colour; Surface; Designer Spotlight – Rhodarte
Chapter Five: Sourcing Your Fabric: Getting the fabric to market; Industry sources of textiles; Retail sources of textiles; The changing world of sourcing; Fabric properties and characteristics; Creating your own fabric; Designing custom textiles; Tradeshows; Designer spotlight – Melanie Bowles and Ceri Issac of make it digital textiles.
Chapter Six: Textile and the Collection: Textile choice; Designing to textiles; Surface design; Signature textile in design; Drawing your designs; Draping your designs; Editing the collection; Designer Spotlight – Issey Mikaye.
Chapter Seven: Sourcing Interviews: Student Interview – Theresa Deckner, Fashion Student; Indie Designer Interview – David J Krause, Fashion Designer, The TwentyTen Alder; Sustainable Interview – Rebecca Burgess, Fashion Designer/Textile Designer, Fibershed Project; Lifestyle/Activewear Interview – Burton Snowboard Company; Ready to Wear Interview – Anna SuiMass; Market Interview – Urban Outfitters Inc.
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